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Telegram 官方關於 TON 區塊鏈及 Gram 幣的公開聲明

Posted in Telegram

關於 TON 區塊鏈及 Gram 幣的公開聲明

A Public Notice About the TON Blockchain and Grams

您可能已經聽說,自 2017 以來,Telegram 團隊一直在開發一個名為 TON Blockchain 的新區塊鏈平台和名為 Gram 的加密貨幣。我們希望這個專案能讓 Gram 成為傳統貨幣的互補品,從而改善全球日常商業交易的 速度效率安全性。我們相信,TON 區塊鏈技術將創造一個穩定的生態系統,並且在 速度可用性可擴展性 方面都將比以前的平台有重大改進。

You may have heard that since 2017 the team at Telegram has been developing a new blockchain platform called the TON Blockchain and native cryptocurrency called Grams. We hope that as a result of this project Grams will become a true complement to traditional currencies, improving the speed, efficiency and security of everyday commercial transactions globally. We believe that the TON Blockchain technology will create a stable ecosystem and represents a significant improvement upon previous platforms in terms of speed, usability and scalability.

媒體上有很多關於這個專案細節的謠言與臆測,在我們繼續構建 TON 區塊鏈平台並確定專案的確切細節以確保 TON 區塊鏈和 Gram 幣可以用 符合 法律及規範的方式運作的同時,Telegram 一直謹慎地 避免公開談論 這些謠言。

There have been a lot of rumors in the media and speculation about the details of this project. Telegram has been careful not to speak publicly about these rumors while we continue to build the TON Blockchain platform and work out the exact details of the project to ensure that the TON Blockchain and Grams can operate in a way that is compliant with all relevant laws and regulations.

鑑於最近發生的事件,我們希望花點時間公開闡明 TON 區塊鏈和 Gram 幣的某些面向,同時我們將繼續為專案的成功啟動做準備。

In light of recent events, we wanted to take the time to publicly clarify certain aspects of the TON Blockchain and Grams as we continue to prepare for a successful launch of the project.

我們在本文的段落中將以 簡單的術語 做簡短的 摘要,格式會像是這樣 👈

We’ve included short summaries in simple terms for paragraphs in this text, formatted like this 👈

目前還沒人可以買賣 Gram 幣

Nobody can buy or sell grams yet

首先,引起我們注意的是某些網站似乎向公眾提供了 Gram 幣。這些網站有時將此稱為「貨幣預售」,有些則假裝與 Telegram 相關。正如我們在 很多 地方 上警告您一樣,這些都 不是 Telegram 的官方網站,它們與 Telegram 沒有 隸屬關係,並且 Gram 幣 尚未 向任何人發行。Telegram 或其相關公司均未參與 Gram 幣的任何公開銷售或預售。相反地,乘載 Gram 幣的 TON 區塊鏈仍處於 Beta 測試 階段,您可以於 造訪 Beta 測試網站,只有在 TON 區塊鏈啟動後,Gram 幣才會被創造並開放購買。

First, it has come to our attention that certain websites appear to be offering Grams to the public. These websites sometimes refer to the offers as “token presales,” and some pretend to be affiliated with Telegram. As we’ve warned you on numerous occasions, these are NOT official Telegram websites, they have NO affiliation with Telegram, and NO Grams have been issued yet to anyone. Neither Telegram nor any of its affiliates are involved in any public sales or presales of Grams. To the contrary, the TON Blockchain on which Grams will function is still in a Beta Test phase and you can access the Beta Test website at Only once the TON Blockchain launches will Grams be created and available to purchase.

長話短說: Gram 幣還不存在,沒有人 有辦法在我們宣布推出 TON 區塊鏈前做任何買賣。 別受騙了

TLDR: Grams don’t exist yet, nobody can buy or sell them before we announce the launch of TON Blockchain. Don’t get scammed.

TON 區塊鏈將是去中心化並由第三方維護

TON will be decentralized and maintained by third parties

其次,如果您正在考慮在 TON 區塊鏈平台啟動後是否該購買 Gram 幣,我們希望您了解幾件事。Telegram 及相關公司並未對 TON 區塊鏈開發任何應用程式或功能作出任何承諾。實際上,Telegram 可能永遠不會這樣做。相反地,Telegram 的目標是希望 各地的第三方開發人員社群 和其他人員將透過開發應用程式及智能合約為 TON 生態系做出貢獻。第三方 和社群將以自己選擇的方式採用 TON 區塊鏈和實施此類應用程式或智能合約,這責任只存在於第三方。Telegram 不會也不能保證任何人將在任何給定的時間表上實現,或根本不採用此類功能提供服務。

Second, if you are considering whether to purchase Grams once the TON Blockchain platform is launched, we want you to know certain things. Telegram and its affiliates have not made any promises or commitments to develop any applications or features for the TON Blockchain or otherwise contribute in any way to the TON Blockchain platform after it launches. In fact, it is possible that Telegram may never do so. Rather, it is Telegram’s goal and hope that the decentralized community of third-party developers and others will contribute to the TON ecosystem through the development of applications and smart contracts. It will be the sole responsibility of third parties and the community to adopt and implement such applications or smart contracts on the TON Blockchain in the manner they choose. Telegram does not, and cannot, guarantee that anyone will adopt or implement such features or provide such services, on any given timetable or at all.

長話短說: 我們為所有人建立了 去中心化 的平台,當他發布後 Telegram 不再有義務維護平台或為此建立任何應用程式,或說我們根本不會這麼做。

TLDR: We are creating a decentralized platform for everyone. Once it launches, Telegram won‘t be obligated to maintain the platform or create any apps for it. It’s possible we never will.

Telgram 將無權控制 TON 區塊鏈

Telegram will have no control over TON

TON 區塊鏈的程式碼將始終 開源 且任何人 皆可取得,一旦推出後 Telegram 將與 TON 區塊鏈的 其他任何人 站在 相同的地位,並將 無權控制、沒有任何特權、不負對 TON 區塊鏈管理的任何責任。

The code for the TON Blockchain will always be open source and publicly viewable. Once it is launched, Telegram will occupy the same position as any other party with respect to the TON Blockchain and will not have any control over, any unique rights within, or any responsibility for the management of, the TON Blockchain.

在 TON 區塊鏈推出後,Telegram 或其員工可以但不保證持有任何 Gram 幣。在一定程度上,他們將 不參與跟 TON 區塊鏈有關的表決或驗證。做出此自願性決定是為了避免任何人認為 Telegram 及其員工可以或將在 TON 區塊鏈發布後對其實施控制。

Telegram or its employees may, but do not commit to, hold any Grams following the launch of the TON Blockchain. To the extent they do, they will not take part in voting or validating in connection with the TON Blockchain. This voluntary decision was made in order to avoid any perception that Telegram or its employees can or will exercise control over the TON Blockchain following its launch.

長話短說: 在推出後 Telegram 將無法控制 TON 區塊鏈及其生態系統。就像建築師設計摩天大樓一樣,建築師無法控制建築物完工後發生的情況 - 包括周圍的建築物、內部裝潢,或頂樓加蓋。

TLDR: Telegram won‘t be able to control the blockchain and the ecosystem after it launches. Pretty much like an architect who designed a skyscraper can’t control what happens with the building after it’s finished – including what gets built around, inside or on top of it.

炒 Gram 幣並不能讓您致富

Grams won’t help you get rich

第三,您不應該基於期望獲利而購買 Gram 幣,Telegram 不做任何您能獲利的保證。Gram 幣旨在充當 TON 生態系統中用戶之間的 交換媒介,Gram 幣並 不是 投資產品,對於從 Gram 幣的買賣或持有中獲利您應該 不抱 任何期望。

Third, you should NOT expect any profits based on your purchase or holding of Grams, and Telegram makes no promises that you will make any profits. Grams are intended to act as a medium of exchange between users in the TON ecosystem. Grams are NOT investment products and there should be NO expectation of future profit or gain from the purchase, sale or holding of Grams.

Gram 幣並 代表:

  • Telegram 及其相關公司的任何股權或所有權利益
  • Telegram 或其相關公司的股息或其他分配權
  • Telegram 或其相關公司的任何管理權

Grams do NOT represent:

  • Any equity or other ownership interest in Telegram or its affiliates
  • Any rights to dividends or other distribution rights from Telegram or its affiliates
  • Any governance rights in Telegram or its affiliates.

長話短說: 如果您在將來購買 Gram 幣,這 不代表 您持有 Telegram 的一部分,Gram 幣並不會賦予其持有者任何特殊權利,就像持有歐元不會給您歐盟的股份一樣。

TLDR: If you buy grams at some point in the future, this won’t mean you “own a piece of Telegram.” Grams don‘t give their holders any special rights, just like owning Euros doesn’t give you shares in the European Union.

在決定是否購買 Gram 幣時,您應該充分意識到 Gram 幣的價值可能會隨著時間的流逝而下降甚至失去 所有貨幣價值 的風險。購買諸如 Gram 幣之類的加密貨幣存在許多風險,包括加密貨幣市場的波動性、對交易所的監管加嚴的可能性以及其他風險。

In deciding whether to purchase Grams, you should be fully aware of the risk that Grams may decrease in value over time or even lose all monetary value. There are a number of risks related to purchasing cryptocurrencies like Grams, including volatility in cryptocurrency markets, the possibility of increasing regulation of cryptocurrency exchanges and other risks.

長話短說: 玩加密貨幣是 高風險地,由於一卡車的外在因素,實際上可能讓您變得更窮。

TLDR: Dealing with cryptocurrency is risky and can actually make you poorer than you are due to a boatload of external factors.

而假如您已經聽過 TON 區塊鏈…

And if you already heard about TON…

最後,我們想提供有關 TON 區塊鏈的某些技術和治理方面的進一步說明。請注意,以下內容旨在 取代和替換 與 TON 區塊鏈和 Gram 幣有關的所有先前文章,以免發生任何衝突或潛在衝突,包括 TON 白皮書或 Telegram 及其他人在任何先前版本中規定的資訊和詳細訊息:

Finally, we wanted to provide further clarity regarding some technical and governance aspects of the TON Blockchain. Please note that the below is intended to supersede and replace all prior materials or communications regarding the TON Blockchain and Grams to the extent of any conflict or potential conflict, including the information and details set forth in the TON Whitepapers or any previous communications or materials by Telegram or anyone else:

(1) Telegram 沒有義務,也沒有做出任何承諾,以後不會建立 TON 基金會 或類似機構。

(1) Telegram is under no obligation, and makes no promise or commitment, to ever establish a TON Foundation or similar entity in the future.

(2) 在預期推出 TON 區塊鏈時,Telegram 的 TON 錢包應用程式預計將以 獨立 的方式單獨提供,並且不會與 Telegram Messenger 服務整合。在這方面,TON 錢包有望與 第三方 提供的任何其他錢包應用程式 競爭。在適用法律和政府機構允許的前提下,Telegram Messenger 將來可能會內建整合 TON 錢包功能。

(2) At the time of the anticipated launch of the TON Blockchain, Telegram’s TON Wallet application is expected to be made available solely on a stand-alone basis and will not be integrated with the Telegram Messenger service. In this regard, the TON Wallet is expected to compete with any other wallet applications designed and offered by third parties. Telegram may integrate the TON Wallet application with the Telegram Messenger service in the future to the extent permitted under applicable laws and governmental authorities.

Telegram 保留所有進一步增加、澄清或修改 TON 區塊鏈或 Gram 幣以上及任何其他方面的權利。隨著 TON 區塊鏈預定發布日期的接近,我們期待提供更多訊息。

Telegram reserves all rights to further add to, clarify or revise these or any other aspects of the TON Blockchain or Grams. We look forward to providing more information as we get closer to the anticipated launch of the TON Blockchain.

January 6, 2020
The Telegram Team


This communication contains forward-looking statements, including statements of plans, objectives, expectations, development status and intentions. Any number of factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those contemplated by any forward-looking statements, including but not limited to the risks identified herein.


以上僅是簡單翻譯,如有錯誤或任何建議還請 不吝指教

原文請見 官方部落格

如感興趣可以來 Telegram 討論區 逛逛

譯者:Sean Wei

本名韋詠祥,習慣用英文 Sean 暱稱。

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